Funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA)

Allegations that United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) staff were involved in the terrorist attacks of 7 October on Israel are appalling; the UK Government has taken decisive action to pause funding to the organisation. The Prime Minister has emphasised that the UK will reconsider its position once it has read Catherine Colonna's final report, UNRWA’s response and the ongoing UN Office for Internal Oversight Services investigation.  

This has no impact on the UK's humanitarian response: the UK remains wholly committed to getting aid to those in Gaza who desperately need it. The Government continues with aid delivery and funding multiple implementing partners, including other UN agencies and international and UK NGOs. The Foreign Secretary recently announced another £10 million for the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), bringing UK support to more than £100 million in 2023/24. 

Israel has now taken significant steps to increase aid getting to Gaza, including: allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid through the Port of Ashdod and the Erez checkpoint; increasing the number of aid trucks to at least 500 a day; increasing capacity through the Jordan land corridor to 100 trucks a day; extending the opening hours of the Kerem Shalom crossing; approving more types of aid, including fuel to enable more bakeries to open and hospitals to function; and approving activation of the Nachal Oz water pipeline to northern Gaza once repairs are completed. 

I welcome these steps, which the UK has been urging Israel to take for a long time. The number of aid trucks getting into Gaza has increased and some World Food Programme (WFP) food aid has moved from Ashdod Port into Gaza, but further action is needed; aid will not make a difference unless safely and properly distributed. Guaranteed deconfliction for aid convoys and other humanitarian work is essential. 

Moreover, the UK is providing £3 million towards equipment to support UN and aid agencies to get more into Gaza, including trucks, forklifts, generators and lighting towers. Furthermore, on 6 April, the UK announced £9.7 million to set up a maritime aid corridor to Gaza. Through UK Aid funding to UK-Med, a field hospital is also operational in Gaza and has already treated thousands of patients. 
